Centre for British Documentary Photography.

Documentary Photography: the art of photographic storytelling.
"To make artistic and honest photographs of events, people and places. So creating a set of images that resonate and informs the viewer intelligently and without trickery or deceit".  

CBDP Statement of intent.

Documentary photo by Andy Barton.

Photograph by documentary photographer Sofia Conti.

Humanity - Issue 2 - The magazine on documentary photography - Sept' 2023 - Now available on special offer!!!

One of Britain's most talented social documentary photographers, Sofia Conti shares her work, "Me, Myself and M.S." in the second issue of Humanity, the magazine of documentary photos.
See the Shop page for more details about the photographers and stories featured.

Here at the inclusive Centre for British Documentary Photography (CBDP) we promote and support established and emerging British social documentary photographers working here in the UK and Internationally. Our interest leans strongly toward modern examples of concerned photography as well as contemporary documentary. We look at major social issues and also the lives of people on the margins of life. This is shared with you through our online photography exhibitions, the documentary photographers own slide shows, and now, with a magazine of photography, which we call Humanity.
Issue 2 is available to buy now.
Issue 1 & 3 are sold out.
Issue 4 is due September 2024.

A new social documentary photography magazine from the CBDP-Media.

Humanity is the British magazine of documentary photography.

Photographers working in socially concerned documentary photography:

Responsible for several projects that look closely at the social landscape, Lewis Jackson makes new documentary photographs that have a wide and visceral appeal.

Gary Roberts is an internationally acclaimed documentary photographer. We are delighted to be able to share his insightful photographs here on the CBDP platform. 

Cath Muldowney, Centre for British Documentary Photography, 2023,

From Bradford and working on self funded socially concerned documentary projects we are delighted to share the varied work of documentary photographer Cath Muldowney. Her photos have the sincere and humanistic touch.

Social documentary photographer Neil Goodwin has recently joined the CBDP and he shares with us his photos from a concerned project that documents those who live alone. Some by choice and others by default.

Sofia conti is one of the documentary photographers at the Centre for British Documentary photography, 2023, this is an example of her work,

Award winning social documentary photographer, Sofia Conti who has a growing body of documentary photographs from Glasgow, was the first member of the CBDP. She has recorded the lives of individuals struggling with various addiction issues.

Daniel Bradymakes documentary photographs that consider land, place and how we use and perceive these elements. His fresh approach to documentary photography is a joy to behold.

centre for british documentary photography, facing britain, british documentary, britain in pictures, sofia conti photography,

Bharat Patel is a well known and respected documentary photographer. His work is full of compassion and depth. His photos document humanitarian stories mostly in India.

Adam Monaghan is a British documentary photographer living in Finland. He has created amongst other works a large selection of images that document in photos the redevelopment of is home town of Suvilahti.

Here is an example of documentary photography by David Cross, 2023,

David Cross is a British documentary photographer and founder of the CBDP. One of the projects looks at a post-Brexit country on the brink of free fall. The photos document lives at the margins of mainstream society.

Nicolas Ghirlando has a unique vision and very personal approach to his contemporary documentary photographs. His day to day work involves an endless recording of his commutes. The photos document light, texture and place.

Andy Barton is a professional photojournalist and has started to work on documentary projects. His images have the urgency one would expect from his normal practice as well as a well developed sense of documentary story telling.

David Gilbert Wright, F8 Documentary, 023,

David Gilbert Wright is an established documentary photographer and is well known for his socially concerned approach and the F8 Documentary platform. He uses documentary photographs to record fringe and mainstream events.

Using documentary photography to vocalise racism in the U.K. by photographer Cameron Scott.

For Cameron Scott, documentary photography is a platform to raise awareness about injustice, he is constantly working on humanitarian themes, and shares his work here with us.

Knife crime across the country is a growing problem that blights hundreds of people each year, and Ross Scrivener has recorded a unique response to it. His documentary photographs show the inner city youth of London resisting crime.

From a socially concerned view point, documentary photographer
John MacBrayne creates long form photo journalism that is intrinsically connected to communities. 

Documentary photographs, photojournalism and the magazine, reimagined. 

New Documentary Photo Magazine

Humanity. Issue 2. September 2023. For U.K. delivery.

New Documentary Photo Magazine

Humanity. Issue 2. September 2023. For U.K. delivery.


A new photography magazine that fuses documentary photographs and the written word. Using a concerned approach to record traditions and culture. 

This document was published by the Centre for British Documentary Photography, on behalf of Masoud Naji. The work is now being shown across Europe.

Working in modern documentary and editorial photography.

We welcome messages and photo submissions from all citizens and believe in images for change and vision without borders. 
Take a look at the Mission page to get a clearer picture of our aims and ambitions within the field of documentary photography.
We aim to grow and promote our photography platform through a network of documentary photographers old and new.
We have launched a new and independent documentary photography magazine. We call it Humanity and it is available to order now. It fuses contemporary documentary photography, text articles and classic documentary photographs. 
Documentary photography exhibitions are something we are also passionate about, you can view the new work here on our Documentary Exhibition Space that is dedicated to promoting the work of the photographers working with the CBDP.

Photography has a long history and tradition in Britain, from the earliest cameras of Fox Talbot right up to the present day and since the beginning it can be said that "social documentary photography" has been the most important and relevant genre.

The Swimmer is a social documentary photograph by David Cross The work looks at life on the coastal margins of South West England..

Documentary photographers have covered everything from wars to births and have created a lasting legacy of incredible artistic images and historic record. It tells us where we have come from and where we might be going. It is art and news and everything in between. It is a powerful tool that has helped to change attitudes to war and working conditions, it has altered housing for the poor and highlighted both the good and bad in us humans. Today documentary photography is used to deliver strong images of climate change and drought and desperate people on the move across the globe. It is also used to record the details and tell the stories of smaller events that make up the fabric of our society and culture. Its reach and power to inform us makes it one of the most important forms of photography and journalism.
We welcome and wish to support photographers from all walks of life and are particularly interested in work that records the every day journey that all of us experience.

Join us as we collate, share and promote the best and most relevant contemporary and traditional documentary photography.
Get in touch if you wish to help or advise.

David Gilbert Wright shares his documentary photos on the CBDP platform.

As Dr. Jacques Rangasamy MBE suggested recently;
"documentary photography from the margins may have a higher virtue than that from the known stories and cities".

Uploads are FREE. 
And always have been. Just point us in the direction of your documentary website/work and if it fits the CBDP's direction - and you can build a Link to us, you're in. Simple. Please see the Submit Photos page where you can easily fill in a form and upload an image as an example of your documentary practice.
Please include or add an email with some detail about the work and a link to other examples of your documentary photographs. Thank you.
Humanity. A culture magazine. Life captured by CBDP social documentary photographers.
We are now publishing our very own photography magazine, called Humanity. A truly independent magazine created by the photographers involved with the CBDP platform. We connect photojournalists and the written word, much like the best newspaper supplements from the 90's. The stories are from various parts of the world but mainly centred around the UK. We look at all types of events and our view is that of concerned photographers.

If you have an interest in publishing your editorial and documentary photography, why not submit your photos and maybe get involved with this platform.
If and when featured you will be paid a Royalty for each copy sold. No other platform is doing this and it is our aim to work towards a system where you can operate as a professional documentary photographer. The CBDP will pay and eventually commission photographers who are able to be a part of the CBDP. 

What the CBDP offers is a fresh approach, for the documentary photographer, and the viewer. Here we are respected as individuals. Your work is your vision and you will be praised for that. If you believe in an open and fair vision for a new photography - please stay. You found your home and the world needs you! We believe in honest representation and presentation and welcome your view on society and the cultural events that help to define and shape our lives.
Please follow and support us, in our quest to support and promote the best of British Documentary Photography.
Please take a moment to view our new page Documentary Exhibition Space.

Documentary photography by; David Cross, Sofia Conti and Neil Goodwin.

British Documentary Photographers.          Social Documentary Photos.          Magazine of Documentary Photography.

the centre for british documentary photography logo,

Follow our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & LinkedIn here - thank you.